Stockton Evening and Sunday Record from Stockton, California (2024)

1 STOCKTON DAILY EVENING RECORD-TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1941 Society, Edited and JOHNSON LEWIS Club News Time Was When Spinsters Really Looked Like This Parties for a Visitor To greet Miss Maio Lund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Lund of San Raphael, who arrived today to be the house guest of Miss Ada Louise Anderson for the remainder of the week, Miss Helen Lussenden and Miss Chris Haffner will be dinner guests this evening of Miss Anderson's ents, Mr. and Mrs.

Victor Anderson, in their Bristol Avenue home. They will renew a friendship formed last summer at Camp Minkalo and recall many happy days of Camp Fire. Miss Anderson will hostess a luncheon tomorrow complimenting Miss Lund. A number of local misses who attend Dominican Convent (now home for Easter vacation), as well as Stockton High School friends, have been asked to meet the honoree. Miss Lund is a student of Dominican Convent.

They Sew for the Junior Aid Shop For a group of Junior Aid women, yesterday was sew-for-theshop day. Meeting at the home of Mrs. F. Warner Wood, they worked on attractive articles to be added to the stock of the Aid shop at 321 West Flora Street. Present were Mmes.

W. T. Auld, Arthur E. Hallifax, Ward Hill, James Loy, A. K.

Merchant, Irving Martin John Allen Reid, Robert Sawyer, F. Leroy Sims Harry Van Dine and Miss Eleanor Young. MISSES CATHERINE AND ELIZABETH HUMBARGAR left this morning for Los Angeles. They will be house guests of Mr. and Mrs.

John H. Bliss for the remainder of the week. Getting Married? YOU'LL FALL IN LOVE WITH COMMUNITY PLATE'S NEWEST PATTERN Milady Exquisite 53-PIECE SERVICE FOR 8 Costs Less Than Any Other Top Quality Silverplate $497 ON BUDGET TERMS A paltern so lovely it in. spired a new wedding gown in Vogue's special design. In the new Vogue Chest anti-tarnish and fadeproof.

You'll be thrilled by its loveliness, tool SET CONSISTS OF: Teaspoons 8 Knives (grille or dinner) 8 Forks (grille or 8 Soup Spoons dinner) (oval or round) 8 Salad Forks 3 Serving Spoons Butter Knife Sugar Spoon COMMUNITY PLATE SERVICES START AT $27.50 Also Hamilton sets available in Lady two very popular patterns. and CoronationJewelry Shop--Main Floor KATTEN MARENGO, INC. -FOR WOMEN ONLY! If fidgety nerves, restless nights and other distress caused by functional monthly disturbances keep you from having fun at such times- -take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoundfamous for over 60 years in relieving weak, nervous feelings of women's "difficult days." WORTH TRYING! The Spinster Club's dance decor for Saturday night at the Stockton Golf and Country Club will capitalize on an old conception of the symbols of spinsterhood-the pompadour-perched bonnet, the tiny waist and the wide skirt, the boned, high collar, the spectacles, and the knitting he needles. Gay silhouettes in black on white, portraying this old-fashioned unwed, will line the wall panels of the clubhouse along with livelier figures of the rabbits and the ducks of the Easter season which the scissors of the decoratcommittee caught in action.

Silhouettes will adorn the bids, too, and background for the orchestra will be in black and white. Miss Frances Aberle is dance chairman and bids are obtainable from Miss Bobby Lee Campbell, Spinster president, at 1649 Elizabeth Avenue, or from Miss Mignon Blossom at 1429 North Baker Street, or from any member of the club. Invited to be patrons and patronesses are those ex-Spinsters who married during the past year and their husbands. The list includes Messrs. and Mmes.

Melvin Declusin (Alice Pezzi), Louis Ar(Leonie Doneux), Ed Condrey (Ann Kitt), Robert Johnstone (Geraldine Patton), Robert Summers (Phyllis Moran), Walter Hansel (Alyce O'Connor), Carl Rigor (Laura Frances Blossom), Jesse Lange (Cleo McEnespy), Thomas Kennedy (Evelyn Bodimer) and Howard Rabb (Jacqueline Dees). Wedding Set For Young Visitor Chosen as wedding date for Miss Alma Walderslov, daughter of Mrs. Ethel Walderslov. of Lodi, and Mr. Leslie Glenn, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Glenn of this place, is April 19. The ceremony is to take place in the home the bridegroom's parents at 522 West Vine Street with the Rev. Wesley Nelson officiating. Mr.

Glenn, who attended Stockton High School, is a member of Kappa Alpha Pi Fraternity. Honoring her niece, Joan Lee DeVor of Pleasanton, who is her house guest, Mrs. Roland Green entertained Saturday afternoon in her on North Argonaut Street. occasion was Joan home, Lee's fourth birthday. With lavender and yellow the color scheme, the Easter motif WAS predominant in the decorations used throughout the rooms and at the refreshment table, which was covered with a lace cloth and centered by the candlelighted birthday cake.

Games and an Easter which occupied the afternoon' hours, were recorded in motion pictures. Little guests present were Margot Lilly, Sharon Green, Tommy Blackmun, Koleta Graham, Tommy DeVor, Susan Chisamore, Richard Jackson, Darlene and Dicky Houlton, Betty and LaVerne Foster, Betty Lou Hislop and Bobby Quigley of Sacramento. Joan Lee's mother, Mrs. Paul DeVor, and Robert Quigley of Sacramento were other guests. Mrs.

Walter Sanborn, Mrs. Green's sister, assisted the hostess. BORN in Palo Alto Hospital last night to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Page of Redwood City was their first child, a son, named Oliver.

Shelden. Grandparents are Mr. and L. S. Page of Stockton and Mrs.

Maria Branco of Atwater, and there are three greatgrandparents, Mr, and Mrs. J. F. ho*rl of Stockton and Mrs. W.

H. Purinton of Rio Linda, all on the paternal side. Fair Oaks PTA The present method of teaching children to read, called the thought method, was explained to members of the Fair Oaks PTA by Principal Mr. Bradley Grover at the meeting Wednesday afternoon. The program was presented by first graders, Mrs.

Helen Lewis, teacher. It consisted of group singing, a recitation by Leila Mae Duval and a reading demonstration by the class. Mrs. J. R.

Burnley of 2239 East Scotts Avenue was elected vicepresident for the coming term and Mrs. J. E. Dilbeck, president-elect, was chosen to represent the unit at the state convention in Oakland next month. Mrs.

Ray Duval, room mother of the high first grade, acted as hostess. LADIES The Most Modern Beauty Shop in Northern California Will Soon Be Ready. Watch for Our Announcement. OUR NEW PHONE NUMBER IS 5-5991 Open for Business While Remodeling THE CHARM BEAUTY SALON 414 E. MARKET ST.

OPP. HOTEL WOLF Local Composers Have Appreciative Audience Modernistic influence was evident in many of the compositions of local members of the Composers Society which made up the program for the Music Teachers A Association meeting Monday night at the home of Miss Ardene Phifer. The hostess group formed a completely attentive and appreciative audience. A number of the composers performed their own creations. Guests of the evening were Prof.

Allan Bacon, Col. and Mrs. B. C. Allin, Mr.

Clayton Long, Miss Zell Favel Clark and her father, Mr. George J. Clark, and Miss Frances Bowerman. Miss Phifer, the president of the Composers Society, is also a member of the Music Teachers Association. Other members of the latter present were Mrs.

Ruth Felt Kasper, the president; Miss Minnie Elvado Bear, Mrs. Mary Shaw Costello, Mrs. Margaret Cusick, Miss Mary Amelia Fuller, Mrs. Bernice Hughes, Mrs. Madsen, Mrs.

Catherine McNeil, Mr. Manlio Silva, Miss Cora B. Meyers, Mrs. Rhea A. Norton, Mrs.

Emma Diehm Pratt, Mrs. Bess Smith Ziegler, Miss Maria Puppo, Mrs. L. S. Page, Miss Blanche Steel and Mrs.

Claire D. Sprague. ANNUAL TRIP is that which has taken seven cousins, two of them from Stockton, on a fortnight of traveling to Grand Canyon, Hot Springs and Los Angeles. Mrs. Florence Eicke and Mrs.

Edna Peek of this place will return Sunday. The five other cousins in the party are Mrs. Fred Gallien of Oakland, Mrs. Hugh Gallagher Oakland, Mrs. Will Williams of Loomis, Mrs.

E. P. Smith of San Luis Obispo and Mr. George Bishop of Oakland. LODI OMEGA NIT Mrs.

Bailey Fairchilds will be hostess to Alpha Delta Chapter of Omega Nu Sorority this evening at her home at 126 South Avena Avenue in Lodi. All members of committees for the annual fashion show in the Lodi Woman's Clubhouse and mothers of children participating in the show are urged to attend. MRS. PEARL BARRY co. VENEY, Mrs.

Corrine Talbot and daughter, Joan, all of Oakland, arrived today to be house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Barry McDermott until Thursday, Evans, James C. Cave and Louis J. Vannuccini.

Juvenile Shops 328 E. Main St. Phone 4-4131 SHARE THRIFTY Last Minute Easter Shoppers Will Find an Enticing Diversity of Easter Hats for Easter Wear! FELTS SISOLS PEDALINES LEGHORNS MILANS TUSCANS In white and colors. BERETS SAILORS OFF-FACE MODELS POKES to 395 BONNETS For baby sisters. Swiss-organdy, piques in perky styles to match all new Easter frocks.

Sultable styles 49 from infancy to 3 years to CAPES 2 to 6 Years Navy blue flannel. Bright red rayon taffeta lined. Brass button trim 319 SKIRTS 2 to 14 Years New gabardine in pastel colors. without Flare suspenders skirts with or 98 to 298 COATS 2 to 14 Years Pastel tweeds, nude suedette. Navy blue reefers.

Fitted or boxy types. 495 95 to GLOVES PURSES ANKLETS to match all Easter apparel, DRESSES 1 to 14 Years Organdies Swisses Silks Spun Rayons. Smartly styled in all pastel colorings. to $795 We Accept COTTON STAMPS Make your purchases with cotton stamps from our large selection of cotton goods. Club Dinner Upsilon Iota Club complimented at a dinner at the California Hotel last week Mrs.

Richard Garrow and Miss Bette Rae Bickle, the latter to become Mrs. Karl Modlin Easter Sunday. Others attending were Misses Elinor Wolters, Frances Brann, Alfaretta Bryson, June Horton, Jean Horton, Jackie de Ganna, Dorothy Crawford, Wilhelmina Thomsen, Margaret. Nichley, Emilie Meoqui and Benita Barrosso. MR.

AND MRS. CHARLES M. WEBSTER of Chicago arrived Saturday to be guests of his mothJames B. Webster. Mr.

Webster, a graduate of the College of the Pacific, has just completed a course at the Northwestern University Medical School and he and Mrs. Webster will visit here until June, when he will enter the City and County Hospital of San Francisco as an interne. Mrs. Webster is the former Miss Marie Furan of Ellendale, N. D.

DONALD WELCH was honored at a surprise birthday party Friday evening at his home on Golden Gate Avenue with Mrs. D. E. Welch and Mrs. Sam Herchkorn Jr.

as hostesses. Buffet supper was served after an evening of games. Guests were Messrs. and; Mmes. Reuben Erbele, August, Jake and Edwin Bender and Mr.

Enoch Dorheim, all of Lodi; Messrs. and Mmes. Lawrence Schatz, Robert H. Baker, Welch and Herchkorn of Stockton. MR.

AND MRS. JACK CAMPION of Las Vegas, formerly of Stockton, are announcing the birth of a daughter April 2. Mrs. Campion is the former Miss Ida Thompson and her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Henning Thompson, live here. Mrs. John Campion, paternal grandmother of the newcomer, and her aunt, Miss Peggy Campion, went to Las Vegas last month and were on hand to welcome the baby. MR. FRED VAN DYKE, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Claude Van Dyke, 319 East Rose Street, left March 31 for Mexico City, where he will enter the University of Mexico to perfect his Spanish in three months of intensive study. A senior at the College of the Pacific, majoring in Spanish, Mr. Van Dyke's course is uninterrupted as he was transferred from the local college to the Mexican university, He will live with friends, a Castilian family, in Mexico City. Bridge Luncheon HELEN COHN IS A BRIDESMAID MRS.

JOSEPH BENJAMIN (Berna Lanette Levy) posed for this picture her attendants, her sister, MISS NATALIE LEVY, and her cousin MISS HELEN COHN of Stockton, at the simple wedding at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Bernard M. Levy, on Cervantes Boulevard, San Francisco, March 30. Miss Cohn is at the left. Rabbi J.

Aaron Levy of Stockton performed the 1 o'clock ceremony before an improvised altar of white blossoms, stocks and white cyclamen, and there were some 150 guests at the reception. The bride, who is a member of a pioneer Stockton family, granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Pan Aurorans Compliment Ex-Member Whenever a member of the Pan Aurora Club marries, the group presents her with a gift, and Mrs. Werner Lipelt (Margaret McFarland) was in the recipient role last week at the club's luncheon ing at Hotel Stockton.

The Lipelts are living in Lodi. Helen Devlin, Aurora president, made the presentation. Dr. A. L.

Van Meter was presented in a talk on the value of vitamins by Miss Frances Prahser, program chairman for the day. Easter appointments decorated the luncheon table. Assisting Miss Prahser were Mary Bisagno, Enola Couey and Elsie Dondero and others attending were Jeanne Barnett, Louise Barbieri, Betty Cook, Bobby Lee Campbell, Alice Christie, Florence Julius Cohn and niece of Mrs. T. D.

Heins and Mrs. Lloyd Cohn, was gowned in white mousseline de sole and her fingertip veil fell from a coronet of corded tulle trimmed with a cluster of soms which had belonged to her maternal grandmother. She carried a round bouquet of white bouvardia. The attendants were gowned alike in yellow marquisette and carried round bouquets of lavender and yellow Japanese iris. Mr.

Lucien Simon Jr. attended the bridegroom as best man. After April 15 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin will be at home in their new residence at 3775 Filmore Street in San Francisco.

-duCharme Portrait. Clifton, Ann Condrey, Alice DeYoung, Lillian Eckgren, Ann Garvin, Florence Gaskill, Edna Gormsen, Georgia Gray, Bea Harbaugh, Henrietta Hoff, Veta Howell, Ada Javete, Evelyn Florence Larkey, Irene McClory, Laura MeKenzie, June McKinnon, Ruth Moore, Harriet Morrill, Lucille Pooley, Rose Reichmuth, Grace Riba, Martha Sandall, Maxine Stewart, Janet Stuart, Ruth Simpson, Josephine Witmer, Frances Brann, Arline Caldwell, Emma Epp and Mary Mueller. DRIVING to Sacramento Friday evening to attend a performance of the Ice-Capades were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schneider, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Jeffery, Mrs. C. Segale and Mr. Ernest Segale.

Not How Cheap, But How Good MILLICAN'S CLEANERS 1223 E. Harding Way Dial 4-4801 LARGE HEADSIZES TO 24 INCHES A WOMAN'S VIEW OF EASTER MORNING! $5 and $750 Beautiful flower-laden straws you'll wear on Easter! Gently sloping brims that shadow the eyes with flattery that belie the years! Come, see for yourself! SMITH LANG. Main at. San Graguin- Phane. 5 5 8 51 Mrs.

J. H. Horgan entertained in her home on North Pershing Avenue with informal luncheon today several friends with whom she has been meeting regularly for the past several weeks for an So afternoon of bridge. Around the table, centered by a large bowl of spring flowers in many varieties and colors, these guests were seated: Mmes. J.

F. Frank Daniels, L. A. Mills, Arthur E. Bolter, Florence Lund, C.

H. Goodyear, Edith Westgate and Carl A. Rausch. 36 CLUB Host to the 36 Club at a special meeting at 7:30 o'clock this evening will be Mr. Fred Clark, 911 West Magnolia Street.

Styl-Art Beauty Shoppe 418 E. Main St. Above Woolworth's. Phone 2-1448 Our Big EASTER SPECIAL on PERMANENTS to Our Young Misses of High School and College, Not Forgetting Our Easter Gift for Mother. Reg.

$3.50 Permanent Oil Cream Permanent. $2.50 Reg. $5.00 Permanent Machine and $3.50 Reg. $6.50 Permanent less Superior and Machine. Machine- $5 All Are Complete Permanents Including Hair Cut Careful Attention Given to White and Dyed Hair Consult Miss Byrne, Our Specialist Standard Tints, Including Hair Dress, $2.50 and $3.50 All Work Guaranteed.

We Aim to Please. Styl-Art Beauty Shoppe Date Change Due to Easter vacation, the Faculty Wives Club of the Stockton High School has delayed its next meeting until April 16. Mrs. Alvin H. Eilert will be hostess in her home at 1205 College Drive.

Mrs. Austin Coggin will be heard in a number of piano numbers and the assistant hostesses will be Mmes. H. B. Lenz, Howard F.

A Cure to Miller by the dorkew I. Miller's of light node tones Currents putting touches you many Alternate idea of shoes. Gives can quicken impacts exciting your dark costume. You or two egainst accent your costume with one pick up the minor your smart ways all-dark all-light one of your gloves, headed your an the color and you're light print Currents with this subdue care Spring of strain in -dressed" lists Handle a for "best Alternate hat. THE WONDER 340 E.

Main -Phone 6-6871.

Stockton Evening and Sunday Record from Stockton, California (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.