Rescue and Firefighting | EASA (2024)


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Is it required to perform a ‘Task and Resource Analysis’ as referred to in ICAO Airport Service Manual (Doc 9137) and GM2 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2)?

Although the term ‘Task and Resource Analysis’ is used in GM2 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2), it should be considered as a generic term not linked to the ICAO Airport Service Manual, Part 1. Therefore, it is neither a certification requirement to conduct a Task and Resource analysis nor an obligation to follow the example in the ICAO documentation.

Regardless, the aerodrome operator is expected to demonstrate to the competent authority the adequacy of the staffing levels. For that, the aerodrome operator may choose any existing or established approach to determine the number of personnel (e.g. adapted from public firefighting services or structural firefighting).

However, the aerodrome operator is expected to develop a transparent approach to determine the minimum number of personnel and equipment for a credible scenario, which might be validated in further scenarios, in accordance with its published rescue and firefighting aerodrome level(s) of protection. In case of reduced aerodrome level of protection during anticipated periods (see AMC2ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2)(b)), an additional determination is required with a credible scenario in each of the published levels of protection.


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What considerations for determining the number of personnel are already given in the regulatory framework?

Although Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 does not contain specific considerations on the number of required rescue and firefighting services (RFFS) personnel, the existing EU regulatory framework contains different factors that may influence the number of RFFS personnel and should be taken into account. The following four key aspects affecting the number of personnel should be considered:

  • RFFS Level of Protection (AMC2ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2));
  • Core Tasks as indicated in the scope of RFFS (GM1 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(1));
  • Comparison of available and required resources (AMC6 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2)); and
  • Human Performance (AMC6 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2)).

However, the determination should always be guided by the question whether an aerodrome operator is confident with its tactics and the associated number of personnel.

GM1 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(1) specifies that the principal objective […] is to save lives […]. The rescue and firefighting service is provided to create and maintain survivable conditions, to provide egress routes […] and initiate the rescue of those occupants unable to make their escape without aid. The rescue may […] use equipment and personnel other than those assessed primarily for rescue and firefighting […].

In determining the number of personnel required to provide for rescue and firefighting, a Task and Resource Analysis should be performed, taking into consideration the types of aircraft […], the available […] vehicles and equipment (consider: AMC3 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2)), and other duties required from RFFS personnel (GM2 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2)).

AMC6 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2) specifies that the aerodrome operator should ensure that:

  • during flight operations […] sufficient trained personnel is detailed and readily available to ride […] vehicles, and to operate the equipment […];
  • personnel is deployed […] considering also the use of hand lines, ladders, and other rescue equipment normally associated with aircraft rescue and firefighting operations; […] and
  • any other duties carried out […] do not compromise the response […].


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How does the RFFS level of protection influence the minimum number of RFFS personnel?

The rescue and firefighting services (RFFS) level of protection reflects the size and capacity of aircraft normally using an aerodrome. Hence, it sets the overall frame when determining the number of RFFS personnel. When aligning the number of personnel, it could either reflect the largest aircraft usually scheduled at the aerodrome or the largest type of aircraft within the published RFFS aerodrome category. Furthermore, the number of personnel usually available at an aerodrome should be sufficient to man the available vehicles associated with the RFFS level of protection and operate the equipment deemed to be required by the aerodrome operator at its maximum capacity (c.f. AMC3ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2) and AMC6ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2)).

In addition to the RFFS level of protection, the potential existence of difficult environments at or near the aerodrome may impact the number of RFFS personnel, as a response to such areas is to be initiated and the effective deployment of rescue equipment for such areas is to be considered.

To determine the minimum number of RFFS personnel, the aerodrome operator should develop a credible scenario in accordance with its published RRFS level(s) of protection.

Possible factors taken into accountExample Scenario #1Example Scenario #2
Flight PhaseLanding / Take-Off / Taxiing / On StandLandingOn Stand
Prior AlertYes / NoNoYes
Number of Aircraft / Vehicles involvedAircraft / Ground Service Equipment / Regular Vehicle1 Aircraft1 Aircraft
Type of AircraftAccording to Airport RFFS Category or Reference AircraftRFFS Aerodrome Category(Reference) Aircraft Type
Number of Persons on BoardAccording to Airport RFFS Category or Reference AircraftMaximum Capacity of Reference AircraftActual Capacity of Reference Aircraft
Passengers with Reduced MobilityYes / NoNoYes
Quantity of Fuel on BoardLow (e.g., on arrival) / Full (e.g., on departure) / UnknownLowUnknown
Dangerous GoodsYes / No / Types and QuantitiesNoNo
Location of AccidentRunway / Before or After Threshold / Taxiway / ApronsRunwayTaxiway
Conditions at LocationPaved / Unpaved / Water or swampy AreaPavedUnpaved
Weather ConditionsOptimal / Impacting …OptimalOptimal
Aircraft Emergency StateAircraft Accident / Full Emergency / Local StandbyFull EmergencyAircraft Accident
Fuselage IntegrityOK / Damaged / In Several PartsDamagedOK
Access to FuselageNormal / Partial / DifficultPartialNormal
Emergency Evacuation< 90 sec / < 5 min / Incomplete< 5 minIncomplete
External Emergency Services Arrival< 10 min / X min / 30 min …< 30 min25 min


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What are the core tasks that should be taken into account when determining the number of personnel for rescue and firefighting?

The determination of the number of personnel should define and prioritise tasks required to save lives as indicated in GM1 ADR.OPS.B.010 and could include:

  1. Creating survivable conditions:
    1. manning vehicles after the initial call;
    2. responding to the accident scene;
    3. assessing the accident; and
    4. controlling external fires (mainly by foam tender’s turrets).
  2. Maintaining survivable conditions:
    1. controlling external fires (supported by hand lines); and
    2. monitoring the evacuation process.
  3. Providing egress routes
    1. assisting the evacuation; and
    2. creating access to fuselage (e.g. with ladders, ground handling stairs or rescue stairs).
  4. Initiating rescue of trapped occupants
    1. Initiating the egress for occupants (e.g. ventilating or accessing the fuselage); and
    2. transporting of trapped occupants out of the ‘hot zone’.


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How do available resources at an aerodrome influence the number of RFFS personnel?

The aerodrome operator should not only consider the deployment of available vehicles and equipment but also and foremost their specifications and requirements, in order to deploy the vehicles and equipment effectively. The following technical factors may increase or decrease the number of rescue and firefighting services (RFFS) personnel:

  1. number, types, and seat capacity of vehicles(cf. AMC3 ADR.OPS.B.010);
  2. number and type of potential rescue equipment for a response to difficult environments at or adjacent to the aerodrome;
  3. technical configuration and state-of-the-art features of vehicles and other rescue equipment available at the aerodrome; and
  4. human or infrastructural capability of effective deployment of required rescue equipment.

What role does human performance play in the determination of the number of personnel?

Human factors and capabilities play a major role in the overall tactics, and have hence a major impact on the response to an incident. Therefore, the following may increase or decrease the number of personnel:

  1. training and proficiency of RFFS personnel(e.g. voluntary, part-time, or full-time firefighters);
  2. tasks other than RFFS required by core RFFS personnel, resulting in fatigue(e.g. domestic firefighting, ground handling, or aerodrome maintenance);
  3. responsibilities and tasks conducted by non-RFFS personnel(e.g. cabin crew, security personnel, maintenance, or state authorities); and
  4. availability and response time of rescue staff other than the aerodrome’s core RFFS personnel to support during an incident(e.g. civil defence, medical services, or other external services).


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How could the total number of RFFS personnel be calculated based on an incident-related approach?

If the transparent and documented approach to determine the number of RFFS personnel was based on a scenario, the results could be used to conclude the total number of RFFS personnel by considering the following:

  1. aerodrome infrastructure(e.g. provision of additional capacities depending on the aerodrome specifics and to intervene at any point of the aerodrome by meeting the response time(s)); however, there is no need to duplicate each position or equipment in such case);
  2. planned absence(e.g. recurrent training, annual leave, shift factor or shift schemes); and
  3. contingency arrangements to cover unplanned absence(e.g. sick leave, unplanned events, vehicle breakdown (cf. GM4ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(e)).


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Is there any further supportive material that could be useful when determining the number of required RFFS personnel?

Further guidance or considerations to determine the number of required RFFS personnel may be found in the following sources:


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AMC5 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2), point (a) refers to a response time not exceeding three minutes, and to an operational objective not exceeding two minutes. How should the operational objective be considered in relation to the response time?

The response time not exceeding three minutes should be considered as a time frame that should be met under optimum visibility and surface conditions.

The operational objective should be considered as a desired target under ideal conditions and understood “as low as reasonably possible and feasible” (considering saving lives as primary objective as well as relevant financial, organisational, technological, and human factors).

Getting as close as possible to the operational objective encompasses the set-up of a continuous improvement process (e.g. training, vehicle management, fire station(s) location and design, guidance, access roads, procedural amendment(s)).


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What should be understood as expeditiously as possible, should a response time be defined?

It is acknowledged that a response time should not be set to respond to an emergency in swampy or water areas, as it largely depends on varying local situations and environments. However, guidelines should be provided on the need for rescue entities to ensure timely response, taking into account:

  • the local situation;
  • specific conditions regarding survivability (e.g. survival in cold water is approximately 10 minutes maximum); and

the importance of providing adequate deployment of appropriate equipment in coordination among these entities.


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AMC5 ADR.OPS.B010(a)(2), point (a) refers to the time of the initial call to the rescue and firefighting services. How should the term ‘initial call’ be understood?

  • ‘Initial call’ means the first sound of the siren in the fire station, the pager’s alarm or any other means of alert notified by air traffic services (ATS) or any other party [or person], indicating an aircraft incident to the rescue and firefighting services.
  • Assessment of the response time should take into account the various significant milestones, and in particular any delay in communicating the incident’s location.


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AMC5 ADR.OPS.B010(a)(2), point (a) refers to the ‘position to apply foam’. How should the term ‘position to apply foam’ be understood?

As the capabilities of vehicles (e.g, moving and discharge or stop and discharge) and the procedures (e.g. one or two persons) in place at aerodromes vary widely, in such a context:

  • To be in a ‘position to apply foam’ means the moment whenever the vehicle(s) is capable to effectively apply at least 50 % of the required discharge rate as per the reported incident’s category.
  • The requirement may be considered to be fulfilled as soon as the vehicle(s) reach(es) a location where fire monitors of the vehicle(s) are within the range of where the incident occurred and is/are in a position to effectively apply the extinguishing agents at the specified discharge rate.
  • The capabilities of vehicles and procedures in place should be taken into consideration when calculating the response time.


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AMC5 ADR.OPS.B010(a)(2), point (a) defines that the response time is subject to optimum visibility and surface conditions. What circ*mstances should be considered as optimum visibility and surface conditions?

‘Optimum visibility’ includes daytime and good visibility that is not being interfered by any environmental impacts impairing the driver’s view (e.g. precipitation such as rain, snow, or fog).

‘Optimum surface conditions’ means that the normal response route (i.e. the predefined route that is normally available unless there is a temporary maintenance) can be accessed without delay and is free of any:

  • environmental contamination (e.g. no precipitation, water, ice, or snow); or
  • unusual or unpredictable obstacles affecting safety and effective response time (e.g. foreign object debris (FOD), traffic obstructing RFFS routing, etc.).


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AMC5 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2), points (a) and (b) define that the response time should be achieved to any point of each operational runway and calculated to any part of the movement area. How many measurements/calculations should be conducted to meet the requirement of ‘any point’ or ‘any part’?

Usually, the response time should be achieved from the fire station(s) to the furthest point of the runway/s. However, if there are objective reasons why another point of the runway/s might be reached earlier or later (e.g. in case of more turns slowing down the vehicle speed), the response time should also be achieved to this point(s).

The same approach based on calculations should apply to any other parts of the movement area than the runway/s. However, as the complexity of the movement area might usually be more diverse, in many cases, more than one calculation might be considered.


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AMC5 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2), point (d) refers to guidance material that should be provided to meet the operational objective as nearly as possible in less than optimum visibility. To which response time(s) does that refer to?

AMC5ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2), point (d) aims to ensure an as quick as possible response to an incident and in less than optimum visibility, as orientation might be difficult. Hence, it refers to the response time of three minutes to any point of each operational runway/s, as per point (a) of the AMC, as well as to the response time to be calculated for any other part of the movement area, as per point (b) of the AMC.


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Should the term near’ be understood as a distance of 1 000 meters, as identified in AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.005(b)?

The term ‘near’ used in AMC3ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2) should be understood as including at least the 1000 m referred to in AMC1ADR.OPS.B.005(b), up to the 8 km referred to in AMC2ADR.OPS.B.005(b), considering the published approach and departure procedures and the preferential flight routes.


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How should the aerodrome operator deduct these areas?

AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.005 aims that the aerodrome operator should ensure that assessment of the approach and departure areas is carried out which includes also cases when the aerodrome is located near a water/swampy area, or other difficult environment, or a significant portion of the approach/departure operations takes over these areas.

Within the 1000 m, these areas should be defined considering the ‘obstacle limitation surfaces’ calculated according to the figures of ‘Divergence (each side)’ in CSADR-DSN.J.480, Table J-1. ‘Dimensions and slopes of obstacle limitation surfaces — Approach runways’, adopting a trapezoidal shape with a 15-% angle for an instrument runway or a 10-% angle for a non‑instrument runway.

For a portion of approach or departure operations up to 8 km, these areas should be defined considering the protection envelopes of a published approach or departure procedure.


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What width should be considered to define these areas?

AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.005 aims that the aerodrome operator should ensure that assessment of the approach and departure areas is carried out which includes also cases when the aerodrome is located near a water/swampy area, or other difficult environment, or a significant portion of the approach/departure operations takes over these areas.

These areas should be defined considering, whenever possible and depending on the type of approach or departure procedure, the width of the runway strip and the published procedures envelope.


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What should be understood as the largest aeroplane normally using the aerodrome?

Based on AMC2ADR.OPS.B010(a)(2), the aerodrome operator should consider for providing the minimum of the RFF service, that it needs sufficient equipment taking into account the longest aircraft (or group of aircraft) and their fuselage width based on which the level of protection of the aerodrome has been defined.


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In case off water/swampy areas, what should be considered to ensure an effective or adequate response to an emergency at the distances mentioned in AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.005(b) and AMC2 ADR.OPS.B.005(b)?

With regard to the 1000-m area from the runway thresholds, the aerodrome operator is required to assess and ensure the intervention capability of dedicated aerodrome services. If needed, according to the local environment, and through the establishment of appropriate cooperation protocols taking due account of national or local legislation, the institutional set-up and entities mission statement, the intervention capability could be ensured by relevant support entities.

With regard to the 8-km grid map and its relevant areas concerning published flight procedures, the aerodrome operator, taking due account of the the national or local situation in terms of the institutional set-up of responsibility for managing and responding to an emergency, should conduct, with the support of relevant national or local entities, an assessment of the area to map entities available in case of an emergency, to identify intervention capability.

Such capability, with the aim to clarify how intervention would be implemented and the available means (i.e. responsibilities considering national or local legislation; type and quantity of equipment and personnel available; dispatch/activation time; other alternatives when response capacity is exhausted or in case there is no immediate response), should be documented and included in the National or Local Emergency Plans (GM1ADR.OPS.B.005(a)), as well as in the Aerodrome Emergency Plan.

Such assessment should consider the safety management system requirement to coordinate the aerodrome emergency response plan. In that respect, coordination of the aerodrome emergency response plan with the emergency response plans of those organisations it must interface with during the provision of aerodrome services and with the relevant external organisations who have the responsibility to respond to an emergency occurring at an aerodrome or in its surroundings (ADR.OR.D.005) should be ensured.

The assessment of intervention capability should be periodically reviewed, tested, and discussed with all organisations that bear some responsibility in case of an emergency.


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What considerations for assessing difficult environments are already given in the EU regulatory framework?

Although the Regulation (EU) No139/2014 does not contain specific considerations on the assessment of difficult environments at or near an aerodrome as the response to such areas, the existing EU regulatory framework contains aspects that could be used to assess difficult environments and plan the response to such areas in a transparent way:

  1. definition of the area’s size(e.g. AMC1ADR.OPS.B.005(b), AMC2ADR.OPS.B.005(b), GM1ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(1));
  2. availability of support within the area;
  3. resource management(e.g. GM3ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2), AMC3ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2); and
  4. verification.

For more information, please refer to the following acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM):

  • GM1ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(1).
  • AMC3ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2), which states that ‘If the aerodrome is located near a water/swampy area, or other difficult environment, or a significant portion of the approach/departure operations takes over these areas, the aerodrome operator should coordinate the availability of suitable rescue equipment’.
  • GM3ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2), which states that ‘Special fire fighting equipment may not be provided for water areas; this does not prevent the provision of such equipment if it would be of practical use, such as when the areas concerned include reefs or islands. The objective should be to plan and deploy the necessary life-saving flotation equipment, as expeditiously as possible, in a number commensurate with the largest aeroplane normally using the aerodrome’.
  • AMC1ADR.OPS.B.005(b), which states that ‘The aerodrome operator should ensure that an assessment of the approach and departure areas within 1000 m of the runway threshold is carried out to determine the options available for intervention’.
  • AMC2ADR.OPS.B.005(b), which states that ‘A grid map of the aerodrome and its immediate surroundings, approximately at a distance of 8km from the centre of the aerodrome’.


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What area should be considered when assessing difficult environments?

The assessment of potential difficult environments at or near an aerodrome should consider the immediate surroundings of an aerodrome and the established standard flight procedures.

In accordance with point (b) of ADR.OPS.B.005, the assessment of the area at an aerodrome should consider the width of the runway strip and then follow the actual approach obstacle limitation surface up to a distance of 1000m beyond the runway’s threshold (or, if there is no threshold, the runway end).

Rescue and Firefighting | EASA (1)

In accordance with point (e) of AMC2ADR.OPS.B.005(b), the assessment near an aerodrome should consider significant portions underneath the standard approach and departure routes within a 8-km radius from the aerodrome reference point.

Rescue and Firefighting | EASA (2)

To determine the size of the area, please refer to the following:

  • Table1 of CSADR-DSN.A.005 for the aerodrome reference code;
  • CSADR-DSN.A.002 for the runway;
  • CSADR-DSN.A.002 and CSADR-DSN.B.160 for the runway strip; and
  • CSADR-DSN.A.002 and CSADR-DSN.H.405 for the obstacle limitation surfaces.


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What response to difficult environments is expected by the aerodrome operator in those areas that are considered as difficult environments?

Within the 1000m area, the aerodrome operator should normally provide intervention capacities and respond to an incident (however, those responsibilities may be limited by local or national legislation defining other responsibilities). Therefore, the aerodrome operator should determine the options available for intervention based on the capacity of its dedicated means or the established intervention protocols with third-party entities in charge. Additionally, activation and engagement procedures in accordance with needs and capacities considering the actual environment should be established.

For other difficult environments within the 8-km radius from the aerodrome reference point, the responsibility to respond remains with the local authorities or entities in charge within the local legal framework of the district where the incident occurred. Although there is no response expected by the aerodrome operator, the aerodrome operator should actively participate in the coordination of resources. This should include:

  • the mapping of further entities’ location and intervention capacities considering the safety management system requirements; and
  • the counselling other responsible entities located in the area in the establishment of protocols

to allow for the effective organisation of resources for a rapid intervention.


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What resources could be considered when establishing intervention protocols?

Resources that could be considered to respond to incidents in difficult environments do not need to be limited to aerodrome-owned or RFFS resources. They could rather include any type of aerodrome service that can offer or ensure acceptable level of safety within the defined areas. Other such resources include third-party arrangements with external partners or organisations that can support or facilitate any response, whenever necessary, through knowledge, personnel, or equipment.


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How could the presence of difficult environments and the response capabilities to difficult environments be verified?

The presence of difficult environments should be reassessed upon infrastructural changes at or near the aerodrome. The intervention capabilities should be verified during training sessions, familiarisation with difficult environments, or exercises. Any third-party arrangements should be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure high-level of safety.


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Rescue and Firefighting | EASA (2024)


What is ARFF and what is its importance to an airport safety program? ›

Aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) is a type of firefighting that involves the emergency response, mitigation, evacuation, and rescue of passengers and crew of aircraft involved in aviation accidents and incidents.

What are the duties of the ARFF? ›

ARFF Specialist
  • Responsible for preventing, combating and extinguishing all types of fires, but primarily aircraft fires.
  • Handle spill incidents resulting from the storage or handling of aviation fuels and lubricants.
  • Maintain and operate all types of Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting and communications equipment.

What is the full form of ARFF? ›

Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) | Federal Aviation Administration.

How to become an arff? ›

How to become an airport firefighter in 8 steps
  1. Perform your research. ...
  2. Fulfill the minimum requirements. ...
  3. Complete your education. ...
  4. Get certified. ...
  5. Gain airport firefighter certification. ...
  6. Create your resume. ...
  7. Prepare for your interview. ...
  8. Gain general firefighting experience.

What are the requirements for ARFF staffing? ›

All rank personnel must:

Possess a standard or better on the most recent performance evaluation. Possess a basic knowledge of ARFF and airport operations. Demonstrate personnel management skills and the ability to follow orders. Possess the skills to communicate effectively both orally and in written form.

What are the three priorities in an aircraft firefighting incident? ›

The Fire Officer is responsible for establishing command and completing three strategic priorities:
  • Life Safety.
  • Incident Stabilization.
  • Property Conservation & Environmental Protection.

What are the three general requirements you ll need to demonstrate during the ARFF driver operator performance test? ›

Identify THREE general requirements you'll need to demonstrate during the ARFF driver/operator performance test. Maintain a safe distance from other vehicles and aircraft. Maintain a safe speed for road, weather, and traffic conditions. Always maintain control of your ARFF apparatus.

What are airport firefighters called? ›

Types of Airport Firefighters

ARFF firefighters work in teams and follow established protocols to ensure the safety of passengers, crew, and airport personnel. ARFF Driver-Operator: ARFF driver-operators are responsible for operating and maintaining firefighting vehicles and equipment.

What does an ARFF file look like? ›

ARFF files have two distinct sections. The first section is the Header information, which is followed the Data information. Lines that begin with a % are comments. The @RELATION, @ATTRIBUTE and @DATA declarations are case insensitive.

What are the functions of ARFF? ›

ARFF Services is involved in various activities such as providing the requisite Level of Fire Protection for aircraft operations, handling aircraft incidents & accidents as well as fire prevention & protection of the Airport terminal building and other vital Installations.

What are airport fire trucks called? ›

An AARF or Airport Crash Rig – this is one of the very specialized apparatus stationed at airports in California.

Is it hard to become an aerial firefighter? ›

Aerial firefighting is a highly specialized field of knowledge requiring years of education and thousands of hours of flight time. It is not a field for beginning pilots. In fact, few (if any) aerial firefighters begin their flying career as aerial firefighters.

What is ARFF training? ›

Basic Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Training

The course will develop the students' knowledge of basic firefighting and rescue principles. It also prepares the student to quickly respond to an aircraft emergency scene, ready to suppress and control fuel spill fires, evacuate, and rescue passengers.

Do airports have their own firefighters? ›

Airport Crash-Rescue firefighters are there so that when you need them, they are there. Just the same as firefighters in stations everywhere. Those same crash rescue firefighters also do the same thing as the firefighters in fire stations. To be exact, they don't wait for a fire.

What is the purpose of the Aviation Safety Action Program? ›

The goal of the Aviation Safety Action Program ( ASAP ) is to enhance aviation safety through the prevention of accidents and incidents. Its focus is to encourage voluntary reporting of safety issues and events that come to the attention of employees of certain certificate holders.

What is airport safety program? ›

The Airport Safety Program addresses general aviation airport safety, runway safety, airports certificated under 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 139, and safety management systems (SMS).

What is the purpose of the airport security program? ›

Airport security includes the techniques and methods used in an attempt to protect passengers, staff, aircraft, and airport property from malicious harm, crime, terrorism, and other threats. Baggage screening monitoring at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok A demonstrative image for "Project Hostile Intent."

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

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Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.